Wednesday, January 4, 2012

my first time

Once I stood in the forest among magical creatures. I did not know I was being watched. My love and I had laughed and loved and ran and played. The adventure was awesome and the castle, majestic. We embraced atop its winding stairs. Just then I felt eyes melting the back of my long dress. I turned and there he was. The wisest of them all at just an arms length. How long had she been watching me? Had he seen him steal the heat? Oh no! I ran. I wept. I hid.
I waited and breathed.
He didn't make a move.
My curiosity forced me closer.
I held my breath and she seemed to have forgotten me. I pressed forward and he turned to me. A thousand screams filled my soul as the air escaped my pounding chest. Her eyes fixed in silence. I tried to stay, but it was too much. I longed to return, but the fear had gripped me.
We fled.
I'll never get the chance to speak to him again, but I feel his fire when we dance in my nightmares.

I met the keeper of the forest.
and it scared the shit out of me.
I could have gotten a freaking fantastic photo.
yeah well. makes for a good story, i guess.