Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sly as a fox

saw a fox running through a field...closed my eyes to sleep and saw families of vixens lying with their young, hunting their prey, and spying on me...

of course, i googled...

Foxes are seen as power animals / totems throughout the world. The Chinese believed foxes could take human form. In Egypt the fox brought favour from the gods. There was a fox god in Peru. Foxes aid the dead get to the next life in Persia. The Cherokees, Hopi and various other Native American Indian tribes believed in its healing power, the Apache credited the fox with giving man fire.

Fox is amongst the most uniquely skilled and ingenious animals of nature. Being a night creature, fox is often imbued with supernatural powers. Foxes are usually seen at dawn and dusk. Dusk starts off their day, and the dawn is its ending. This is the time, when the world of magic and our every day realities cross paths. Foxes live on the edges of forests and open lands, the border areas. As fox is an animal of the between times and places, it can be a guide into the faerie realm. Fox has a long past of magic and cunning associated with it. It can move in and out of circumstance restoring order or causing confusion, depending on the occasion.

Fox's power lies in not being able to outrun the hounds, but to know in advance when they will be out hunting. They then use their ability to camouflage. When we learn to detach from our surroundings and to use all our senses to be observant, we will also be able to anticipate and create the future. A fox being followed by hounds will run across the tops of walls, cross streams diagonally, double back on its trail, run in circles - in short, do anything to break the trail of its scent. Fox has the amazing ability to outwit both predators and prey. Fox shows us how to slip out of unpleasant situations quietly and unnoticed. Those with fox as a spirit guide are frequently smart and witty but must remember to keep their crafty and clever demeanour balanced or it could backfire. Fox can also show you that your actions may be too obvious and the need to learn to be more discreet. Fox is a wise, potent, teacher for those who choose to live conscious and deliberate lives.

i am pleased by my recent visits by such magical beings...i welcome them into my light

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

my friend, the coyote

almost ran into a coyote on the road today...this is what i learned....
The coyote according to many tribes is the great trickster. He is often fooled and astonished by the outcome of his own pranks. He survives this, then goes onto not learning by his mistakes and makes bigger ones. He denotes both folly and wisdom and the balance of the two. Wisdom is hidden in the foolery. He may have lost the skirmish, but remains unbeaten. Coyote is keeper of magic, teacher and creator. The cycle of power is year around. People see their weaknesses in his foolish acts. He helps them to become aware of their silliness and learn from it. Coyote teaches by folly. The message is to see through the actions of self sabotage, laugh at oneself and learn.

Coyote is cunning, a shapeshifter, opportunity, stealth, white and dark magick, creativity, illumination, experience and new life. He stole fire for the humans, but he can also create floods. Trickster of Native American tales often gets duped, but he always rebounds and, at some point, even teaches himself lessons he learns from.